Express Quiz "Much, many"
Test yourself >>> Max points = quantity of your correct answers Period: 14 - 19 February #ExpressQuiz #Muchmany #points

New delicious Quiz
How often do you eat new foreign dishes? New delicious Quiz (page "Express Qiuz") - check your knowledge about food, which you can taste...

Tasty alphabet 'P'
We continue to use our dictionaries and practice these skills. And new task is here >>> #expressquiz #rules #team #forum #dictionary #words

Express Quiz again!
When we usually talk about food, we should use special grammar info - articles and pronouns. You can check your grammar and answer our...

Tasty alphabet "M"
We have a new quiz in "Express Quiz" To study English, we need a variety of skills. It is very impotant to have skills for using...

First results
We have finished our express quiz "Kitchen equipment". 14 teams took part in this quiz. They are: Beautiful life, Ebola, Windsor, Red...

Don’t miss your first points!
Take part in the express quiz and win the first points. This quiz is about kitchen equipment. 1) Match “pictures” and “words”. 2) Press...