Answer the questions of these forms: for tutors >>> for students >>>

sinkveyn - cinquain "Our delicious project"
Complete the project, let's sum up. Final work will be cinquain, it's name is "Our delicious project". How to write cinquain: 1 line -...

What is tasty is not always healthy. Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, Coca-Cola spoils our teeth, coffee shortens our...

The final delicious quiz
Let's practice using food's containers. >>>>> Max points: - the correct answers; - period of validity Period: 12 – 16 April...

Tasty alphabet "E"
And finally let's using dictionary new task for you is: - Use the Russian-English dictionary; - Find names of the food, different...

MindMaps "Eating habits"
Nowadays it is very impotant to take care about our health. Let's think about our EATING HABITS. We try to structure and visualize our...

Would you like to have some fun?!
Would you like to have some fun?! So new Express Quiz is for you. A jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of often...

Essay "Are you a junk food junkie or a health food nut?"
We are beginning new stage of out project "Junk food vs health food". There you should work together, think, discuss and learn to write...

New photo-flash-mob for everyone! Your should: 1) take picture of your team, 2) name it, 3) write the slogan 4) add a special song (you...

Let's play!
Let's remember our famous russian words game. The aim of this game is to use very long word build new ones as many as can be. Send your...