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We are glad that you are involved in our project. We have prepared a lot of interesting projects and competitions for you.


1. Please, register your team; >>>

2. Mark your registration in the special table "REPORTING FORM" (this step for teams' leaders); >>>

3. Explore the structure of our website;

4. Each participant fills the table "I know - I can - I learned" (about the topic "Food and drinks"); >>> 

5. Make a note in the diary (for participants;  for tutors);

6. Create an introduction card of your team;

7. Mark the task in the special table "REPORTING FORM"

8. Follow the news and get your first points.

Create your introduction card using MS Office Power Point:

Удмуртская Республика,

Малопургинский район,

с. Малая Пурга,

ул. Школьная 1

Районное методическое объединение учителей иностранного языка

Группа в ВК:


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