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One day of my life

New contest consists of 2 steps.


1. "Our school canteen"

- take photo of your school canteen;

- send it to our album >>>;

- mark your team's name;

- write your notes to your picture (you can mark name of the furniture, canteen applinces)


You can get 2 points.

2. TimeLine "Daily dishes"

- choose any day during contest's period;

- make the list of your team's members "What are you eating during this day"(mark mealtimes);

- use online service make the timeline;

- read the instructions >>>;

- make the screenshot;

- send it to this board >>>


You can get 7 points for the timeline +1 (design rules of teams’ reply) +1 (the absence of errors in your description) + 1 (period of validity)


Period: 16 November - 10 December

Удмуртская Республика,

Малопургинский район,

с. Малая Пурга,

ул. Школьная 1

Районное методическое объединение учителей иностранного языка

Группа в ВК:


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