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Our favourite holidays are coming. And we will celebrate Christmas and New Year!


Someone has already bought some presents and try to plan future winter holiday.


Of course we should not forget about the delicious meals and parties with friends and relatives.


And now let's think and create our special menu and invitations for the friends.


Menu: you should make your special festive menu (Starters; Main Courses; Desserts; Drinks)


Invitation: Write an invitation card to your best friend (relatives). Write: date; place; address; activities; food.


You can use different computer software, design your progects and send to e-mail


Later you can read info about criteria >>>


  Period: 20 December - 17 January

Let's have a party!

Удмуртская Республика,

Малопургинский район,

с. Малая Пурга,

ул. Школьная 1

Районное методическое объединение учителей иностранного языка

Группа в ВК:


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