Межрегиональный сетевой образовательный проект
для обучающихся Малопургинского р айона УР и города Агрыз Республики Татарстан

Are you a junk food junkie or a health food nut?
Look at the title. Which of the phrases do you think best describe you? Complete the quiz and check yourself.
1. You're always starving when you get home from school! What snack do you choose?
A. A bowl of cereal or a banana.
B. It depends. One day a few biscuits, the next day a piece of toast!
C. A bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps.
2. You're having lunch in the school canteen today. What do you choose?
A. Grilled fish with rice and vegetables.
B. A tuna and mayonnaise sandwich and a small ice cream.
C. A hamburger, some chips and a can of fizzy drink.
3. There isn't any food in the house, so you decide to order a takeaway. What do you order?
A. A grilled chicken burger and a salad.
B. An Indian curry with rice.
C. A family-sized pizza and a bottle of cola.
4. Your parents send you to the supermarket to buy a dessert. What's in your basket?
A. Some yoghurt and a jar of honey.
B. A carton of low-fat ice cream.
C. Double chocolate cake and cream.
Mostly A's: What a nut! You always make excellent food choices. Don't be afraid to treat yourself once in a while!
Mostly B's: You're neither a junkie nor a nut! You know that a little junk food doesn't hurt, but you don't go over the top!
Mostly C's: You're a total junk food junkie! Choose the healthy option from time to time otherwise your health will suffer!

It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. Healthy and balanced food or fast food. Discuss in your groups and think of some points. Write the for-and-againts essay "Are you a junk food junkie or a health food nut?"
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Write the essay and send to e-mail newtechnologiesschool@mail.ru
Period: 6 - 31 March