Межрегиональный сетевой образовательный проект
для обучающихся Малопургинского р айона УР и города Агрыз Республики Татарстан

Food around us!

In the past there were no supermarkets in our counrty, but there were a lot of small shops.
Fifty years ago people went to the shops almost every day. They went to the butcher's to buy meat. They went to the grocer's for tea, sugar, flour and cheese. They bought butter and milk at the dairy. They bought bread at the baker's. They bought fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer's. Customers pointed at all the packets, bottles, boxes, cans, cartons, jars, and tins they wanted to buy.
Nowadays we have got a lot of different shops and large supermarkets.
Create "Words cloud" using special web-service:
visit your local shops, supermarkets;
find different products, which labels have got English names;
make the list of them;
use the web-service tagxedo.com (read the instructions about this web-resourse >>> or watch a video >>>);
save as a picture and post to the board >>> (don't forget about team's name);
MAX points = quantity of names + the correct answers + design rules of teams’ reply + period of validity
Period: 1 -15 October