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A jigsaw puzzle

Would you like to have some fun?!


So new Express Quiz is for you. 


A jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of often oddly shaped interlocking and tessellating pieces. Each piece usually has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture. In some cases more advanced types have appeared on the market, such as spherical jigsaws and puzzles showing optical illusions.

Jigsaw puzzles were originally created by painting a picture on a flat, rectangular piece of wood, and then cutting that picture into small pieces with a jigsaw, hence the name. John Spilsbury, a London cartographer and engraver, is credited with commercializing jigsaw puzzles around 1760.


You should: 1) put all pieces to the correct places, and create a picture >>>.

2) Take a screenshot of this picture  >>>;

3) Send to our e-mail (don't forget about the name of your team).


Max points = 3 (for yuor screenshot of jigsaw puzzle ) + 1 (design rules) + 1 (period of validity)


Period: 10 - 15 March

Express Quiz "Much, many"

Test yourself >>>


Max points = quantity of your correct answers 


Period: 14 - 19 February

New delicious Quiz

How often do you eat new foreign dishes?

New delicious Quiz (page "Express Qiuz") - check your knowledge about food, which you can taste when you are travelling around the world.


Quiz is here >>>


Max points = 18 (quantity of correct answers + 1 (period of validity))


Period:  15 January - 22 January

Tasty alphabet "P"

We continue to use our dictionaries and practice these skills. And new task for you is:


- Use the Russian-English dictionary;

- Find names of the food, different products, which beginning with letter "P" (as many as can be);

- send your words to our forum (topic "Tasty alphabet 'P'"), don't forget to mark your team's name;

- You shouldn't repeat answers to other teams.


Max points = quantity of your words + 1 (the absence of errors in the words) + 1 (period of validity)


Period: 10 - 15 December

Quiz "Some, any, a, an"

When we usually talk about food, we should use special grammar info - articles and pronouns. You can check your grammar and answer our questions.


Test is here >>>


Max points = quantity of your correct answers 


Period: 20 - 25 November

Tasty alphabet "M"


To study English, we need a variety of skills. It is very impotant to have skills for using dictionary. 

Let's practice these skills. And new task for you is:


- Use the Russian-English dictionary;

- Find names of the food, different products, which beginning with letter "M" (as many as can be);

- send your words to our forum (topic "Tasty alphabet 'M'"), don't forget to mark your team's name;

- You shouldn't repeat answers to other teams.


Max points = quantity of your words + 1 (the absence of errors in the words) + 1 (period of validity)


Period: 23 - 25 October

Quiz "Kitchen equipment"

Take part in the express quiz and win the first points. This quiz is about kitchen equipment >>>.

1) Match “pictures” and “words”.

2) Press “Check answers”.

3) Take a screenshot.

4) Send this picture to the e-mail (

Do not forget to write: Team’s name; School’s name, Class.

5) Mark in the "REPORTING FORM"


Max points: 3

- the correct answers;

- design rules of teams’ reply;

- period of validity


Period: 23 – 26 September

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